Updates LOG

Jackson, Justin, & Paul Heads Updates 21 Feb. 2017:
All Male skins are now updated to be compatible with Clef de Peau body appliers. If you still want to stick to the L’etre ones which you already have please do not delete your old Main HUD and you still can use it for all my current and future male heads. To get the updates you can use the redelivery at CATWA main store.

All Heads Update 2 Sept. 2016:
Female Heads V4.10, Male Heads V4.11:
-Animations HUD & Head Updates:
-Eyes Lacrimal texture is changed for some heads.
-Low Quality Blinking speed is added to animations HUD [The Slowest button on left], This can be useful for laggy sims.
-Rez button now doesn’t work after each teleport, it will only work when clicked.
Since I have to update so many heads, I Can not do them in one day, so please check back on this post frequently to see whenever your head is updated so you can get one from Redelivery Terminal.
Female Heads:
Jessica Head                        [Updated on 6th September]
Gwen Head                          [Updated on 6th September]
Annie Human Head        [Updated on 6th September]
Annie Vampire Head     [Updated on 6th September]
Sarah Head                         [Updated on 6th September]
Candy Head                       [Updated on 8th September]
Aisha Head                         [Updated on 8th September]
Linda Head                         [Updated on 8th September]
Cindy Head                        [Updated on 8th September]
Alice Head                          [Updated on 8th September]
Helena Head                     [Updated on 14th September]
Amy Head                          [Updated on 14th September]
Dyana Head                      [Updated on 14th September]
Cami Head                         [Updated on 20th September]
Bibi Head                            [Updated on 20th September]
Destiny Head                    [Updated on 20th September]
Amelie Head                     [Updated on 20th September]
Tumble Head                    [Updated on 20th September]
AnnaGrey Head             [Released as V4.10, Already Updated]
Male Heads:
Justin Head                       [Updated on 14th September]
Paul Head                           [Updated on 14th September]
Jackson Head                   [Updated on 14th September]

All Heads Update 10 July 2016:
-Main HUD Updates:
Apply your own texture button on skins tab  is removed, due to many copybotted skins UUID codes being spread everywhere. However, you can still use my FREE Kit to be able to apply your OWN textures on your heads.

Jackson Head Updates 30th June 2016 V4.10a :
-Head Updates:
-Hairbase Glitch that used to show up when the avatar was in a skybox is fixed now.

Female Premium Heads Updates V4.9Fixed:
Male Basic/Premium Heads Updates V4.10:
Gift Pack Updates 26th May 2016:

-Premium Female Heads Updates:Jessica, Gwen, & Both Annie heads had hide lashes error, now it is fixed. If you don’t hide your lashes you may skip this Update.
-Premium/Basic Male Heads Updates:
-Jackson and Justin now have two hairbase layers, since they had troubles wearing beards and hairbase at the same time. Now it is possible to wear two appliers on the hairbase layer.
-Jackson Head’s other updates:
-Main and Hair.Teeth.Neck.Eyes HUDs are now combined into one Main V4.10 HUD
-Lashes/eyeshadow Alpha Glitch is fixed for all kinds of graphics settings!
-Gift Pack Updates: [Located on reception desk at main store]
-Added Male Textures presets HUD that can save the textures of the new hairbase layer added to the male heads.

Female Heads/HUDs Updates 19th April 2016 V4.9 :
-HUDs Updates:
-Main and Hair.Teeth.Neck.Eyes HUDs are now combined into one Main V4.9 HUD
-Mini HUD and All Hairbase colors are moved to the GIFT pack on the reception desk at main store
-Animations HUD for Gwen, Jessica, Annie, and Annie Vampire now have one tab only
-OLD V4.8 Main HUD will still work you can keep it if you like it the most! but please try the new Main HUD first
-Heads Updates:
-All Heads that were V4.8 are now updated to V4.9 which doesn’t have the Lashes/eyeshadow Alpha Glitch in all kinds of graphics settings! CONGRATS! We finally did it!

Vampire Annie Head Updates on 30th March 2016 V4.8:
Human Annie Head Updates on 28th March 2016 V4.8:

The whole head have been recreated from scratch to be able to have the upgraded animations, so you shouldn’t expect the exact same copy of the older version of Annie V4.5. Old version will be included inside the new version’s pack just in case you would like to go back to it but it will NOT work with the new Add-On [Only for old buyers will get the old version, New vendor will not have the old pack inside it].

Mesh Updates:
-Added mesh inner eye corners Lacrimal, can be tinted/shown/hidden using Hair.Teeth.Neck HUD
-Ears changed

Animations Updates:
-All animations were re-modeled from scratch, they are all not the same old Annie meshes.
-Annie still has 9 animations, some of them are changed.
-OPTIONAL Upgrade Add-ON [For extra 280 Mix & match animations] is available for Annie  separate purchase and will work with Annie Head only!

HUDs Updates:
-Environment slider removed from main HUD
-RGB numbers should now change while choosing color from tint pickr
-Delete scripts button on animations HUD basic tab
-Animations have its own separate HUD now
-Basic tab on animations HUD will have the same features that was on the old main hud animations tab
-Some more buttons on the animations HUD with [?] sign beside each that explains what it does exactly
-Upgrade tab on the animations HUD will be inactive by default, can be activated buy purchasing an Activator Upgrade Add-On [For OPTIONAL extra 280 Mix & match animations]
-Only when getting the add-on, you can save your 18 favorite upper and lower animations as a preset on animations HUD Upgrade tab

Other Updates:
-Eyes AO, now it should not break when using poses or while dancing, once its switched on it will be on until switched off.
-Mesh eyes added to the pack
-Lipstick Secular is fixed

Annie Heads is available in two versions now:
1- Light None Upgradeable version
2- Upgradeable version
-The difference between those two versions are mesh count and scripting resulting in giving different rezzing time that all. The Light version should need less time to rez in as it doesn’t have any upgrade add-on meshes or scripts. So this can be useful for who doesn’t have the Add-on. If you have the add on the Light version will not work for you, so u need to use the Upgradeable version. Both versions should NOT be laggy, only rezzing time is not the same on both, once the head is rezzed, all the rest should be exactly the same for both versions.

CATWA HEADs Jessica, & Gwen Updates V4.8 split into two versions, also Jackson v4.6 Updates on 18th March 2016:
-Jessica & Gwen Heads are available in two versions now:
1- Light None Upgradeable version
2- Upgradeable version
-The difference between those two versions are mesh count and scripting resulting in giving different rezzing time that all. The Light version should need less time to rez in as it doesn’t have any upgrade add-on meshes or scripts. So this can be useful for who doesn’t have the Add-on. If you have the add on the Light version will not work for you, so u need to use the Upgradeable version. Both versions should NOT be laggy, only rezzing time is not the same on both, once the head is rezzed, all the rest should be exactly the same for both versions.

CATWA HEAD Jackson Updates on 18th March 2016 V4.6:
HUDs Updates:

-Environment slider removed from main HUD
-RGB numbers should now change while choosing color from tint pickr
-Delete scripts button on animations HUD
-Animations have its own separate HUD now, Main HUD can be laggy detach it [Do not minimize] right after styling your head
-Basic tab on animations HUD will have the same features that was on the old main hud animations tab
-Some more buttons on the animations HUD with [?] sign beside each that explains what it does exactly
-Added Eyes Pupil button [This will be used for Catwa upcoming mesh eyes, for now they do not do anything yet you may keep it off]
Other Updates:
-Eyes AO, now it should not break when using poses or while dancing, once its switched on it will be on until switched off.
-Mesh eyes added to the pack

CATWA HEAD Jessica & Gwen Updates on 10th March 2016 V4.8:
Changes for both heads:
-Lashes were Changed in V4.7 to be able to have them blend in enabled Advanced lighting model graphics settings, but we got an unstable results causing the lashes to flicker with the alpha eye shadow with some users and on another hand some others were able to have them blend in Advanced lighting model enabled settings. Now the lashes are set like older versions [v4.6 and less]. Now we can have them like before:
Put both lashes and eye shadow on blend mode if Advanced lighting model is disabled.
Put one of the Lashes or the eye shadow to mask mode when Advanced lighting model is enabled. Might need to use prim lashes for shooting photos.
-Added Tears, and Eyeball buttons [Those will be used for a next update later for now they do not do anything yet]
-Some types of shapes had an issue with Jessica’s neck, Fixed now.

CATWA HEAD Jessica & Gwen Updates on 7th March 2016 V4.7:
Version 4.7 HUDs correct positions on your screen:
Always make sure your HUDs are not blocking each other by placing them at the correct positions, correct positions are as follows:
-Animations and Mini HUDs:
Keep on upper edges of your screen, it can be on your right, left or center upper [Lag Free, keep them on your screen all the time if you wish]
-Main HUD:
Keep on upper left corner [This HUD can be laggy please detach after styling Do Not minimize]
-Hair.Teeth.Neck HUD:
Keep on upper right corner [This HUD can be laggy please detach after styling Do Not minimize]
-Activator HUD:
Can be any where

Jessica Updates on 7th March 2016 V4.7:
The whole head have been recreated from scratch to be able to have the upgraded animations, so you shouldn’t expect the exact same copy of the older version of Jessica V4.5. Old version will be included inside the new version’s pack just in case you would like to go back to it but it will NOT work with the new Add-On [Only for old buyers will get the old version, New vendor will not have the old pack inside it].

Mesh Updates:
-Added mesh inner eye corners Lacrimal, can be tinted/shown/hidden using Hair.Teeth.Neck HUD
-Tighter under chin, reshaped the front side of the neck
-Longer lashes [They still can be short, please get the free lashes appliers in my main store on reception desk]
-Ears changed
-Neck-fix added
-Inside neck tube is not needed anymore [Canceled]
-Lashes are separated in a new mesh

Animations Updates:
-All animations were re-modeled from scratch, they are all not the same old Jessica meshes.
-Jessica still has 9 animations, some of them are changed, all human heads will have the same animations
-OPTIONAL Upgrade Add-ON [For extra 504 Mix & match animations] is available for Jessica  separate purchase and will work with Jessica Head only!

HUDs Updates:
-Environment slider removed from main HUD
-RGB numbers should now change while choosing color from tint pickr
-Delete scripts button on animations HUD basic tab
-Animations have its own separate HUD now
-Basic tab on animations HUD will have the same features that was on the old main hud animations tab
-Some more buttons on the animations HUD with [?] sign beside each that explains what it does exactly
-Upgrade tab on the animations HUD will be inactive by default, can be activated buy purchasing an Activator Upgrade Add-On [For OPTIONAL extra 504 Mix & match animations]
-Only when getting the add-on, you can save your 18 favorite upper and lower animations as a preset on animations HUD Upgrade tab

Other Updates:
-Eyes AO, now it should not break when using poses or while dancing, once its switched on it will be on until switched off.
-Mesh eyes added to the pack
-Lipstick Secular is fixed

Gwen Updates on 7th March 2016 V4.7:
Mesh Updates:
-Added mesh eyes Lacrimal, can be tinted/shown/hidden using Hair.Teeth.Neck HUD
-Hide ear area changed, should be easier to fit mesh ears
-Lashes are separated in a new mesh

HUDs Updates:
-Environment slider removed from main HUD tint tab
-RGB numbers should now change while choosing color from tint pickr
-Delete scripts button on animations HUD basic tab
-Only when getting the add-on, you can save your 18 favorite upper and lower animations as a preset on animations HUD Upgrade tab
-Special Gwen Gap tooth, and Chopped tooth textures added to teeth HUD

Other Updates:
-Eyes AO, now it should not break when using poses or while dancing, once its switched on it will be on until switched off.
-Mesh eyes added to the pack
-Lipstick Secular is fixed

Updates made on 9 February 2016 V4.6:
-This update was made for Gwen only, and changed to V4.7 before being able to update the rest of the heads.
-Since Gwen was released with one animation, now 8 animations are added to be 9 animations like the rest of my heads.
-An Exclusive Gwen head was added to the pack for who purchased the EARLY RELEASE of Gwen, [Thanks for your Trust and sorry you did not have fun with a full release since 18th Dec 2015!]
-Separated the animations to another HUD called Animations HUD
-Two tabs added for animations:
1-Basic Tab:
-This tab should have the 9 basic animations
-Four new buttons
-Define button will let you choose your favorite custom triggers,
you may define one trigger for each Basic Mood. You can not
delete or replace any of the 1st and 2nd triggers.
-REZ button will make the head play all of the expressions once,
to help the head rez quicker.
-Keeping REZ Burron ON [green], will make your head rez [play all
expressions once] after each teleport.
-DEBUG button runs with “REZ” button automatically. The Head
is checking the sim FPS and simulator time dilation and then
calculating the sim lag with them. If the sim is laggy, there is a good
chance of losing a frame or getting faces stuck after tp refresh
option. So the head simply is canceling that REZ [after teleport
refreshing] and will be running only the DEBUG Button.
-If you have more than one face shown over each other due to lag
or after teleport. You will need to click DEBUG button to refresh
the head.
-DEBUG button will make all faces and eyes transparent and call
last current (selfie, static, animated, talk, blink.. whatever) so
quickly (less than 0.02 sec) when clicked. BUT that button doesn’t
run if already REZ button still continues to refresh the head after
a teleport.
-Delay button will let you choose the maximum random time between the activated moods.
2-Upgrade Tab:
-This tab needs the Upgrade activator Add-On [Separate Purchase] to be able to be used
-This tab has 12 eyes animations and 42 lips animations
-You can mix and match all of those animations, Pause, or stop all of them with Pause/Stop button

Updates made on 19 December 2015 V4.5:

-Eyes AO animation has the highest priority [6] now, in this case anypose HUD or any other eyeballs HUD will not effect the eyes animations, so you will have to switch off the eyeAO to be able to use another eyeballs HUD.
-If you ever had flashing face issue in laggy sims that is not only after teleporting, it should be solved in this update.
-The HUDs are the same V4.4 no changes for them.
-Inside Neck Tube for Jessica only, if you have an alpha line between your head and body where they connect, then this can be useful. It changes with skin appliers and also can be rezzed and modified if needed tinting.

Updates made on 8th December 2015 V4.4:
-Show/Hide Brain button
-Talk animations when using mic
-Neck tattoo blend slider
-Eyes AO animation
-Activate more than one animation [Mood] same time

Updates made on 8th November 2015 V4.3:
-Same version number will be kept V4.3 as I did not change any scripts or mesh.
-Tongue texture is changed.
-Save slots buttons textures on Main HUD are replaced with a very low resolution textures, this will remove so much of lag.
-Please note that as much as u save over the save slots, the textures you will save is for sure has dimensions of 1024×1024 which is HUGE, this can make you lag and cause all of the textures around you to rezz and keep rezzing all the time never stop. So I would strongly suggest you to wear the main HUD also the hair HUD if u have saved many appliers on it ONLY while dressing up, then detach them and use only the mini HUD to walk around in Second life.
-The info notecard has been updated too, if you would like to read more about the product features.

V4.3 Updates made on 29 Oct 2015 are:
-Mesh Brain is added inside the heads
-optional Mesh thoughts can be modified and worn [Cam inside your head to see it], This can be used as a status just write whats is on your mind on it and who cams inside ur brain will see it. Full perm thoughts texture included.
-Hide ear piece now is curved inwards to make ur mesh ear attachment fit better.
-The Neck was fitted mesh and was stretching when editing the body fat value. Now the neck is not fitted so it will never be effected when you edit the body fat value.
-Neck tattoo layer is added now, controlled by second HUD, and other stores can do neck tattoo appliers now.
-Hairbase has now SL UV, and supports appliers, which means other stores can create hairbase appliers now.
-Hair/Teeth HUD now became bigger, as i added neck tattoo to it and also a tint tab for teeth, hairbase, and neck tattoo, with neck sizes and neck fix.
-My gift skins now come in 8 skin tones, and some brows colors for each [All on skin layer, Not for brows layer], they are:
Milk tone comes in 5 brows colors
Champ tone comes in 5 brows colors
Honey tone comes in 5 brows colors
Toffee tone comes in 5 brows colors
Mocha tone comes in 5 brows colors
Brownie tone comes in 4 brows colors
Ebony tone comes in 3 brows colors
Onyx tone comes in 3 brows colors
All of my skin tones match TheSkinnery Perfectly, you can purchase matching body appliers from their store.
-Default eyeliners now have new icons.
-Blushes were removed by mistake on last Update, now added and with one more white tint-able blush.
-Two hide buttons for ears now for R and L ear.
-And the best part, the RESET button. Now it can do different reset options which are very useful, click the [?] beside the reset button to get info notecard about what it does.
-More pose buttons added.
-Neck fix is added now For all head EXCEPT Jessica, controlled by the neck HUD. Skin designers can create neck-fix appliers now. Without neck fix applier, the neck fix part will be invisible.

V4.2 Updates made on 20 Oct. 2015 are:
-Reset button in tinting tab in face HUD, with info note you can get when clicking [?] beside the button.
-All of my textures are now saved on save slots so you can replace them with any other applier texture. Be careful, what you replace you will never get back unless if you have a spare HUD or unpack a new package from redelivery.
-Teeth textures are now added to the hairbase HUD.
-My Flickr account link is added to face HUD.
-Memory colors in tinting tab are all removed and only kept black and white, added more save color slots for tinting.

V4.1 Updates made on 7 October 2015 are:
-Just so you know there were no issues with the head I’m just adding More and more options every time. I did few updates and wanted to send one notecard about them all when i feel totally satisfied with my options.
-Quick Links added to Head HUD
-Eyeliners are now Light gray so you can tint them to any color u like
-Blend/Mask buttons are added to blush and lipsticks
-Darker shaved head added to Hairbase HUD
-Fourth upper lashes i noticed it was repeated so i did new lashes texture.
-Just a note, SL system alpha lashes Problem: https://gyazo.com/9a42124001a00141e7e8a634d40cb90d
Solution: Edit shape, make Eyes depth less or zero, Alpha mask does not work for all people. So if it did not work for you, you can simply edit eyes depth shape and pull you mesh eyes out to a good position.

Updates made on 1st Oct 2015 are:
Updates made are:
-Blending sliders are added for all makeup layers.
-Black/White Shaved hair added to hairbase HUD
-Pose button to Head HUD
-Lashes and Teeth now are Fitted [They were classic rig by mistake] So now u can modify your shape they way you love they will not get messed up again!
-Show/Hide Teeth button on head HUD
-Materials added to head HUD
-Tint added to makeups
-Info note added to HUD for gestures triggers
-Upper and lower Lashes can be retextured separately
-Scrips have been modified for smoother animation while having slower connections
-Tips for Color picker, it works for both diffuse color and for shininess color, so make sure to activate the right button before attempting to tint.
-Lashes eyesmakeup Alphas together issue & solution [Read description under the video too plz]


Lovely set of 16 mix & match Unisex Lashes appliers are waiting for you at the CATWA Main Store on the reception desk. Hope you love them.

Since my Female Head’s Mesh Lashes are huge [Jessica will have huge lashes soon too], I prepared this set to be able to have more natural look. However, some are party still sorry I couldn’t help it :)


Gwen Head Updates & New Add-on

Gwen Head Update
Gwen Has just been Updated to get the full set of 9 animations.

Gwen Head Update Soon!

EXCLUSIVE Gwen Head Version
EXCLUSIVE Gwen Head will have special default lips will be sent for who purchased the early release of Gwen Head ONLY, and will not be available for sale.

Gwen Teeth Update
Cut Teeth option on Teeth HUD

Cut Gwen Teeth

Gwen Upgrades
Gwen Add-On Upgrades Activator [504 Animations] is released at CATWA main store

Gwen is Updated just now!

Male Appliers List

Omega compatible

Get Omega-Catwa Relay

Skins/Makeup Appliers Stores

Zed Sensations
7 Deadly s{K}ins
Deluxe Body Factory
– L A B Y R I N T H –
Clef de Peau
Cinful Curves
Sexy Dreams
Adam n Eve [AE]
Delphian Skins
Pandora’s Box
CG Designs
Tease Me! Boutique
Akool Brand
Appliers ‘R’ Us
Passion Tattoos
X-Star Creation
:: BarBarella ::
Tabealu Vivant
VYC ∙ Men’s Bodyshop
.:LV:. Designs
[ session ]
Rock Fashion Tattoo
Bold & Beauty
Not Found
Simple Bloom

HairBase/Facial Hair Appliers Stores

Cinful Curves
Just Magnetized
Vanity Hair
Tease Me! Boutique
X-Star Creation
.:: CDC Creation’s ::.
Rock Fashion Tattoo
_ONE_Creations (all Stores)

Please Send Notecard to Catwa.Clip to have your Store name listed.

If you don’t see your favorite Store name above, Please contact them or send me a note card with the owner name I will gladly contact them and ask for their awesome creations to be added!

This Page will be updated frequently.

Frames Animated Heads Info

(¨*•.¸´•. :: ANIMATED FITTED MESH HEADS :: ¸.•´¸.•*¨)


Copy and paste the following link in local chat, then click it, Join the group & Chat:

-Demo Heads does everything the full version head does, you may get the demo head and try demo appliers at the appliers creators stores.


-Home button on HUDs will take you to appliers stores list link.

-Body Shape Requirements:
You may use any shape, but EYES DEPTH MUST BE ZERO to avoid system lashes issue.

MUST WEAR MESH EYES  [Free brown mesh eyes included, I also like to use Ikon mesh eyes], Watch video for Tips to fit mesh eyes:

Mesh Body Fitting [Female Heads]:
[Mesh body can be purchased from other stores it is not included in heads packs]

-Best fitting mesh bodies are Belleza, & Maitreya, as they have a nice alpha neck fix extension. Make sure your body fat value matches the neck size on the head’s Main HUD also matches the neck size on the body’s HUD. Slink, TMP, and SL system body can work too but you might need to enable the neck fix of the head, Without a neck-fix you might look like you have 2 skintones with some windlight settings . For TMP body use stylemode HUD-modify-retrofit. However, neck fix coming from a mesh body looks prettier than when it is coming from the head.
-Must wear Head & body skin appliers from the same skin store same skin tone for best neck color matching.

Mesh Body Fitting [Male Heads]:
[Mesh body can be purchased from other stores it is not included in heads packs]

-Slink, Adam, Signature & System body Users:
All of those bodies will fit 100% but you might need to enable the neck fix of the head for some windlights/graphics settings. However, neck fix coming from a mesh body looks prettier than when it is coming from the head. Choose neck option from the Main HUD. For Signature Body choose default neck and turn off neckfix from Main HUD second tab.
– TMP body Users:
Use stylemode HUD, click modify, click retrofit.
-Niramyth body Users:
Niramyth body was NOT designed to fit our system avatars neck, Thats why the head will NOT fit this body perfectly! WARNING! If you want to use Niramyth, better wear mesh hair to hide the back of the head, and of course TRY demo and watch my video to make sure the fit is acceptable for your taste! Niramyth folder contains [SL Head Matching] a neck blend that must be worn with the head. WARNING! Hairbase Layer 1 is NOT designed to go with Niramyth neck-size, please use hairbase layer 2 only with this body.

-Hair Alpha Glitch Possible Solutions [Watch Video]

-Catwa Head users GIFT is available at main store:

GIFT Pack is Updated

-The head is Not modifiable, but you may stretch it by editing your shape [head stretch, head length], other sliders are locked by second life.

-The head has double layers, the inside layer is for skin to be applied, the skin can have hairbase on it and can be bald, also it can have eyebrows or can be browless. Just like the SL normal skins, means you can never clean/remove the hairbase or brows if there were made directly on the skin layer.

-The second layer which covers the skin [Covers the whole head] is a makeup layer. Which is divided into areas. lipstick area, blush area, brows area, eyes makeup area, neck tattoo area, and hairbase area.

-ONLY male heads have 2 hairbase layers, Layer 1 which is best for hairbase textures [WARNING! Layer 1 is NOT designed to go with Niramyth neck-size], and layer 2 which is best for facial hair and tattoos.  To be able to wear 2 alpha textures on both layers without alpha glitch, your graphics settings must not be less that the following settings:
Screen Shot 2016-05-30 at 8.48.04 AM

-The head’s skin and makeup areas can be textured by using Appliers created and sold by third party creators. Appliers purchased from other creators can be for hairbase, skin, lipstick, brows, eyes makeup, blush, neck tattoo, teeth, and lashes.

-Each makeup area can have one applier at a time. If you apply another applier on same makeup area, it will take off the previous one and apply the second one. To remove click the clear button on the HUD for that makeup area.

-Appliers creators are totally free to apply their makeups on one or more makeup areas. Example: If the appliers creator wanted to make wider lipstick that goes out of the mesh lipstick area, they may apply the lipstick on the blush layer too, that means if you apply another blush layer after applying this lipstick, it will take off part of the lipstick. Same for the eyes makeup. They may apply on the eyes makeup area and brows area together. Might also use blush area for the same eyes makeup if it was too wide. So always try demos or ask the creator before purchase.

-Appliers created for any CATWA HEAD. Will work for ALL CATWA HEADs including future heads releases too. They will for sure look different depending on the face shape as not all heads look the same. Male HEAD’s hairbase, blush and brows will be different than female heads. As they will be divided differently, You may need to try appliers demos or ask applier creator for item’s info if it suits both before purchase.

-All omega appliers will work, please purchase omega Catwa relay here.

-Simple lashes UV is provided in a free developers kit and can be created simply to have a unique lashes too.

-Same with the teeth UV.

-Three HUDs included, mini HUD, main HUD, and teeth neck hair HUD.

-Mini HUD can be worn to walk around everywhere in second life because it doesn’t have re-texturing buttons which makes it lag FREE.

-Main HUD and Hair.Teeth.Neck HUD both have many save slots, you can save your favorite appliers on them.

-Main HUD and Hair.Teeth.Neck HUD both could be very laggy if you have saved many appliers on the save slots buttons. I would strongly suggest you to wear them only when dressing up then detach them and use the Mini HUD. Minimizing them will not do any difference.

-All of the head textures can be tinted via HUDs, Also all layers have Shininess enabled and can be controlled and tinted via HUDs. Watch shine tutorial video:

-All of the layers have mask/blend alpha mode switch buttons. Which can be very useful to fix alpha glitch issues.

-Rigged light mesh brain is attached to the head, can be seen when camming inside the head.

-Optional rigged mesh thoughts is included. Can be worn and seen inside of the brain. Full permissions thoughts bulb texture is included. You can save it on your pc, write your thoughts on it, then upload it to SL again to re-texture the mesh thoughts. Setup instructions included inside the info note-card inside the head packs.

-Five teeth textures included, normal tooth, gap tooth, chipped tooth, toothless, toothless and tongueless.

-You can apply your own textures on all of the head parts. Every layer has its own apply your own texture button except the skin layer.

-Materials are included for all layers and can be controlled by main HUD. Shininess effect can be tinted for each layer too.

-Show/hide buttons for ears, right head side, and left head side.

-Talk animations when typing in local chat.

-Typing triggers in local chat to play gestures which can make the head animate. Click the (?) button beside gestures in the HUD to know all of the triggers.

-On/off buttons for talk animations and gestures.

-Nine animated expressions included, activate any animations mood by clicking the emoji buttons. When an emoji is activated, the animation will play every few seconds. To de-activate the mood press the same emoji again.

-Pause button can be used to stop the animation and take a selfie picture doing that expression.

-Four static eyes states pause buttons. however, when enabeling any of them then playing an expression. the eyes will be opened again as the whole face is animated together including the eyes.

-Three default lips states for premium heads, 6 of them for basic heads.

-Reset button which can be very useful is included in hud except the mini hud. click the (?) button beside the reset button to know what is does exactly.

-Delete all scripts button on the animations HUD.

CATWA HUDs correct positions on your screen:
Always make sure your HUDs are not blocking each other by placing them at the correct positions. The correct positions are as follows:
-Main HUD:
Can be any where [This HUD can be laggy please detach after styling, Do Not minimize]
-Animations and Mini HUDs:
Keep on upper edges of your screen, it can be on your right, left or center upper [Can be attached for as long as you like, it is Lag Free]
-Hair.Teeth.Neck HUD:
Keep on upper right corner [Lag Free]
-Activator HUD:
Can be any where [Lag Free]

Female Head Skins:
-My GIFT skins now come in 8 skin tones, and some brows colors for each [All on skin layer, Not for brows layer], they are:
Milk tone comes in 5 brows colors
Champ tone comes in 5 brows colors
Honey tone comes in 5 brows colors
Toffee tone comes in 5 brows colors
Mocha tone comes in 5 brows colors
Brownie tone comes in 4 brows colors
Ebony tone comes in 3 brows colors
Onyx tone comes in 3 brows colors
All of my skin tones match TheSkinnery Perfectly, you can purchase matching body appliers from their store.
female skins HUD

Male Head Skins:
-My GIFT skins now come in 11 skin tones, and some brows colors and browless option for each [few more tintable brows on brows layer], the skins are:
T0 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
T1 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
T2 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
T3 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
T4 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
T5 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
T6 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
T7 tone comes in 2 brows colors and Without Brows
[Those 8 skin tones are matching Clef De Peau Perfectly, you can purchase matching male body appliers from their store]
Niramyth Enzo Light tone come in black brows, browless, and brows with shaved hairbase
Niramyth Enzo Medium tone come in black brows, browless, and brows with shaved hairbase
Niramyth Smith Light tone come in black brows, browless, and brows with shaved hairbase
male body skins Clef

-Catwa Social media links on all HUDs.











Female Appliers List

Omega compatible

Get Omega-Catwa Relay

Skins/Makeup Appliers Stores

WOW Skins
E. Vary
Zed Sensations
[ Infliction ]
LoveMe Skins
7 Deadly s{K}ins
Style by Kira
October’s 4Seasons
Mad Echo
Glam Affair
Lara Hurley
Sexy Dreams
Deesses Boutique
Nova Bodyshop
Passion Tattoos
Aidhona & .Pekka.
Pink Fuel
Pink Acid
Rainbow Kiss Essentials
~LAQ~ Laqroki
Mood Dust Cosmetics
Atelier Pepe
La Petite Morte
[AK] Akeruka (Exclusive at WINTER Trend 2015)
Deluxe Body Factory
Angel Rock
Mai Bilavio
Bold & Beauty
.Insufferable Dastard.
**SHINE** Skins
Adam n Eve [AE]
.::Trash Magic::.
Ooh-la-licious Skins
E. Vary
Pandora’s Box
Starlight Designs
Tease Me! Boutique
Appliers ‘R’ Us
Aubrey Cosmetics
Madrid Solo
X-Star Creation
Bella’s Bits & Bobs
+HILU+ [Coming Soon]
FlowerDreams & Nile Karas
Matt & Gloss
*** rojo *** Body Shop
milk teeth.Blushed Creations
V-S Designs
[ session ] SKINS
…::: Savage:::…
::: unBra :::
:: BarBarella ::
Vengeful Threads
Pucker UP
NEFA – New Eden Fashion and Accessories/Spice’s Secret
Navzar Lab.
Dulce Secrets
Pixel Esthetics
je suis
Ladies First
Zombie Suicide
Shiny Stuffs
Aduial by Aristona
Al Vulo!
Inevitable Madness
Rock Fashion Tattoo
NixeL DesignS
You Got The Look
New Beat | Cosmetics
. M I L A .
Used Abused
Divine Forever Skins
Sleek Estetique
Luscious Skins
Cheap & Chic!
Simple Bloom
IVES Beauty
.:: StunnerOriginals ::.
::: WILD ::: Fashion & Beauty
ALMA Makeup

HairBase Appliers can be found in the following Stores

Cinful Curves
Just Magnetized
Vanity Hair
Tease Me! Boutique
Rock Fashion Tattoo
You Got The Look

Please Send Notecard to Catwa.Clip to have your Store name listed.

If you don’t see your favorite Store name above, Please contact them or send me a note card with the owner name I will gladly contact them and ask for their awesome creations to be added!

This Page will be updated frequently.